Woman in the rain with umbrella
Woman in the rain with umbrella
Woman in the rain with umbrella
Picture of the american flag
a train in black and white
picture of old man taking photograph
picture of train with buildings in background
picture of man riding back
heavy traffic with sears tower topping in the background amongst a jungle of buildings
picture of the owl statue of the harold washignton library in chicago
most commongly know as the honeycomb structure at lincoln park zoo with john hancock in the background
picture of man walking dog in the sand at north avenue beach in chicago
calder's flamingo in the background as seen from quincy train platform in chicago
calder's flamingo seen through glass
mother pulling child on sled
Woman in the rain with umbrella
Woman in the rain with umbrella
Woman in the rain with umbrella
chicago skyline as seen from parking lot
columbia yacht club ship seen from above
chicago lighthouse
union station chicago main hall
man petting dog at montrose beach pier
3 subjects walking on north avenue beach pier while chicago skyline towers in the background
CTA train conductor on the megaphone instructing passangers on platform
woman walking down stairs in the grand hall of chicago union station
man on bench at chicago union station with american flag hanging in background
chicago skyline as seen from adler planetarium
picture of chicago skyline from navy pier
picture of chicago skyline from lake michigan fronzen
chicago lighthouse as seen from above
chicago buildings seen from angle of lakeshore drive
chicago skyline as seen from UIC
i294 intersection in downtown chicago seen from above
montrose beach pier 'hook'
picture of foster beach from above
structure in from of the lake
chicago skyline in the background in front of the lake
Woman in the rain with umbrella
Woman in the rain with umbrella
Woman in the rain with umbrella
Woman in the rain with umbrella
Woman in the rain with umbrella
Woman in the rain with umbrella
Woman in the rain with umbrella
Woman in the rain with umbrella
Woman in the rain with umbrella
Woman in the rain with umbrella
Woman in the rain with umbrella